Ciao! I’m Laura

Hi there!! I want to thank you for visiting my blog as I begin to share some of my adventures living in Italy for the past year.

I have never thought of sharing my journey or pictures up until now, but basically Southern Italy, specifically Calabria is one of the best kept secrets in the world.

My partner and his family are originally from Mommola, Reggio Calabria so it helps ( big time ) that he is fluent Italian and born in a well respected town. It is know for this special fish, the freshest ricotta in Calabria, among others things..but we will get to all that later in my adventures that I take you on.

My soon to be husband and I met in Toronto, and taking the step to move back to his home country has been an adventure of a lifetime to say the least.

I thought it’s time to open myself up, share with you this beautiful country from my own personal Canadian perceptive and share with you what I have learned, observered and taken part in. This includes my personal culture shock and funny moments and what makes Italy the most beautiful place on earth.

I invite you to follow me on my journey and ask any questions or comments along the way. I can only answer from my personal experience of living in Italy a year but I’ll do my best:) Southern Italian life is vastly different from northern Italian living and basically anything north of Rome works quite differently.

Life here in the southen region of Calabria is about 50 years behind from the pace I am used to living in the hussel and bustle of Toronto. Which is is one of the main factors we left our old life and why we love it here.

Yep!!! It is an extremely different way of life ( especially when your not Italian ) and takes time to get used to, but also extremely rewarding because of the slower pace. This much slower way of life certainly makes me appreciate and value different things that I didn’t used to take for granted. Italy makes you appreciate things. family, nature, culture, tradition and of course love, which is how this all happened in the first place:)

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